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来源:文艺理论与批评 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-06-19
摘要:7 Writers often experiment with what’s considered immoral or not moral when they try to be example, a time-honored ethical rule calls for mutual understanding between husband and trite stories are b

7 Writers often experiment with what’s considered immoral or not moral when they try to be example, a time-honored ethical rule calls for mutual understanding between husband and trite stories are based on this rule.One way to buck convention is to run counter to it.Thus,a new story goes as man hosted a banquet at home celebrating his 20thwedding anniversary, and invited his relatives and the host went missing amidst all the wining and guests looked for him everywhere and finally found him on a stone bench in his backyard, dazed and disheveled, his tie gone, his chest bared,an empty wine bottle in his hand.His friends asked him what was wrong.He said, “Three months after I got married,I realized there was no way I could get along with her, but she refused to end our wanted to kill her, but my lawyer said I’d be put behind bars for twenty years if I did years would be too long, I had no choice but to put up with the pain of this loveless twenty years is gone.If I had killed her back then, I would have been freed today.I regret I didn’t do it.” This is obviously an immoral tale.But it’s temptation to write a story like this is too strong to resist.

8 戏剧不允许好人做单调的表演12“戏剧不允许好人做单调的表演”,换句话说就是,利用坏人增加戏剧性。,如果引入坏人,那歹角可能夺走观众的注意力。戏剧情节向高潮发展,可以把不道德推向极端,相形之下,道德的挥洒空间较小。例如那一部叫作《色·戒》的影片,献身抗战的美女爱上他们要暗杀的大汉奸,泄漏了机密,以致参与行动的爱国青年全体丧生。故事显然违背道德家的要求,但是戏“好看”,道德家能提出更好的设计吗? □

8 To add drama to a story, we often have to fall back on bad guys.But they may well steal the show.A movement toward a story’s climax may propel immorality to a new level.By contrast,morality’s reach is more a movie called “Lust, Caution”, a beautiful girl devoted to the pursuit of liberation fell in love with a traitor whom her resistance group had planned to by emotion, she divulged the secret, resulting in the arrest and execution of all young patriots involved in the story violates the teachings of moralists—big time.But it’s moralists propose a better storyline?

文章来源:《文艺理论与批评》 网址: http://www.wyllyppzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0619/479.html


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