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来源:文艺理论与批评 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-06-19
摘要:3 Morality is short on drama, a key ingredient of often relies on the role of a villain, and its absence would be keenly felt in a story populated only by good guys.In the olden days, the standard rec

3 Morality is short on drama, a key ingredient of often relies on the role of a villain, and its absence would be keenly felt in a story populated only by good guys.In the olden days, the standard recipe for an enhanced dramatic effect called for enlisting the help of either supernatural beings or a female character, whereas modern plays are spiced up by the presence of a role of a female character was essentially the same as that of a bad guy, because back then women were discriminated against and relegated to an anti-hero role needed for adding plot twists.

4 我们常说“百善”“万恶”。善行大致类似,罪恶的行为则千奇百怪,匪夷所思。你想捐钱给红十字会吗?那很容易,技术上没什么挑战性,如果是向官员行贿就不同,你得够聪明机巧,有几分发明天才。捐款的经过平铺直叙,行贿的经过却可能很有趣或者很曲折,你愿意听一个行贿的故事还是听捐献的故事?

4 We often use the numerical term“hundreds” when talking about good deeds, but use “tens of thousands” to highlight the vast multitudes of peculiar language feature re flects a relative similarity between good deeds and an abundant variety of a donation to the Red Cross isn’t a technically challenging feat, whereas an attempt to bribe an of ficial entails guile and ’s pretty dull to see how a donation is made, but it can be enthralling to follow the twists and turns in a bribery story, then,do you like to hear?

5 It’s a tall order to create a compelling black hat8black hat即“歹角”。.For starters, screenwriters and directors would have to be “devious enough” , Hollywood movies often become textbooks for robber in Hong Kong drove an excavator to remove an ATM—which weighed 750 kilograms—from the side entrance to a bank.He took his cue9to take one’s cue 的意思是 to model one’s actions based on the example or influence of someone or something else,在此表示仿效(电影里的)手法。from a movie.A criminal in New York sat in a wheelchair, his legs covered with a blanket, and was pushed into a bank by a inside, the man removed the blanket to reveal his , they also acknowledged that their heist was inspired by crime movies.

5 给歹角编戏难度高,编导先得自己“够坏”。好莱坞电影常常成为坏人作奸犯科的教材:香港一名大盗,开着挖土机挖掉银行门侧的自动取款机,那玩意儿的重量是七百五十公斤,他是看电影、学作案。纽约一名强盗坐在轮椅上,腿上盖着毯子,由一名女子推进银行,那男子突然掀开毯子,拔出手枪,这一对雌雄盗也承认他们作案的手法由电影学来。

6 中国的京戏不外“忠孝节义”,那是大处着眼,但戏剧是由许多细节组成,京戏对人心的奸诈险恶做了“有情的揭露”,入木三分但不失忠厚,坏人竭尽聪明机巧,最后却成全了好人,这是京戏的风格。究竟是哪一部分叫看戏的人津津乐道呢?是坏人做了些什么,不是好人最后得到了什么。曹操欺负汉献帝,能使一个庄稼汉跳上戏台把曹操杀死,郭子仪勤王能有这样的效果吗?

6 Beijing opera stories are presented within the framework of traditional Chinese values of loyalty, filial piety, moral integrity and ethical do,however, contain many subplots about treachery and is usually measured, though at times always prevails over hats display consummate duplicity only to bene fit a good ’s the usual storyline of Beijing part of a play is more captivating? A villain’s intrigue or a hero’s reward? Once when a scene was being played out where Cao Cao, a devious warlord10曹操在中文里人人皆知,自然不需要另加说明,但如果要在译文里保留曹操这个名字,我们就不得不作补充说明,故添加了a devious warlord作为同位语。, humiliated the beloved111与注10所述情况一样,仅仅说emperor of the Han dynasty似乎不够。为了烘托刺杀行为的无耻,添加了修饰词beloved。emperor of the Han dynasty, a country bumpkin charged onto the stage and killed the a story of moral triumph match such enthralling power?

7 作家常以“不道德”或“非道德”为创新的手段。例如,“夫妇互相体谅”是道德典范,也是故事陈套,推陈出新的方法之一是反其道而行。有一个人在家中举行宴会,庆祝结婚二十周年,至亲好友来做长夜之饮,突然发现男主人不见了,大家到处寻找,在后院的石凳上找到他,只见他丢掉领带,敞露前胸,手里提着空空的酒瓶发呆。朋友问他怎么了,他说:“结婚后三个月我就发现无法跟她共同生活,她又坚决不肯离婚,我想杀了她。律师告诉我,你如果那样做了,法院会判你二十年徒刑,二十年太长了,我只好忍下来。你看,今天二十年了,如果我当初杀死她,今天我也自由了!我好后悔啊!”它显然不道德,然而很精彩,作家很难抵抗这种诱惑。

文章来源:《文艺理论与批评》 网址: http://www.wyllyppzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0619/479.html


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